Zwo asi120mc驱动下载


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Zwo asi120mc驱动下载

For alternative i have the client code for BYE … very nice app. It works on MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8. ZWO 120MC USB3 camera with 2x WO Barlow on its nose. ⚙️Equipment: Celestron 6SE +ASI120MC (detail) + Nikon D5100 (colour) See more of ZWO Astronomy Cameras on Facebook. USB Ports can`t comment on 


This camera is compatible with Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) XP or later versions, Mac OS. Note: This camera is best used with refractor or reflector telescope 

Here you can download a pdf file that will guide you through ZWO ASI camera troubleshooting. Click here! AUTOGUIDING. Many customers use this camera for​  ZWO is phasing out software CDs, but the ASI120MC-S astronomy camera comes with instructions to help you download the required control software and drivers 

ZWO与各大厂商展开密切合作,完成了对iOptron、Vixen、Rainbow、Avalon、Explore Scientific等赤道仪型号的接入(包含部分新款),截止目前,已支持全球20多家厂商数百款赤道仪,详细请参考《ASIAIR PRO使用手册》。 ASIAIR vs ASIAIR PRO. 链接方式 . 包装清单 1. DC公头1m电缆线 x2 2. Support Developing and supporting software is fun, but it also takes up a lot of time. If you like AutoStakkert!, and would like to support me in developing it, I present you with the option to give a (small) donation via Paypal.